Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why do they bother...

and put blinkers on cars if people aren't going to use them? I really appreciate the people that seem to be apparently coming to a stop for no reason only to make a right or left turn. HELLO people! You don't even have to remove your hand from the steering wheel to turn it on! For good practice, use it when no one is around when you are turning. It may turn into an automatic response someday. And for those of you who have your blinker on perpetually, maybe you should check what speed you are going and then you would see that your blinker is on instead of indicating that you are making a right turn into the corn field!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Windshield wipers on means

you turn your headlights on. Why can't people get this simple rule of the road! If you turn your wipers on than just use your left had to flip on your lights! It really isn't that difficult. Heck, you will even burn a few calories doing it! It is not like you are trying to negotiate world peace, just a little common courtesy to all of the other drivers on the road that actually do turn theirs on!

Friday, October 23, 2009

If your kid has a cold

Don't go out...Seriously people. If your child has a cold, don't go to McDonald's playhouse and let him/her run around touching everything while snot is running down their nose so fast you can't keep up with it. Thanks stranger for bringing your daughter to McDonald's and spreading your germs everywhere so my kids now have colds. Slightly coincidental that Amelia has a runny nose since she got up from nap two days after we went there to play. I guess every time my kids get sick, I will bring them to as many public places as possible so they can smear their germs everywhere spread the joy.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jon & Kate

Am I the only one not surprised by their divorce? I mean, if you paid attention to the small things, you would all have totally seen this coming. For instance, their body language during their interviews. They always sat super far away from each other, NEVER held hands, and she always crossed the leg closest to Jon so she could subconsciously be even further away from him. Hello people, open your eyes!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Walking across the street

or even walking a parking lot. Why can't people just walk in a straight line? Seriously. People who walk in an angle just annoy the crap out of me. Make a straight line and pick up the pace a little bit. I was nice enough to let you go, now GO!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Reviewing a product

One thing I really hate is when I try to read reviews on Amazon and the consumer states that item arrived damaged. Well, IMO, that is not a reason to give it one star. If you haven't used it, how can you say it sucks? You should be giving the one star rating to UPS/FedEx/USPS for their inability to deliver the package undamaged. Report the item arriving damaged to whomever you purchased it from to exchange it for a new one, then once you have used it, review it. It really bothers me that a product on Amazon will have a 3 star rating because 10 people gave it one star because it arrived in unusable condition. They are tainting the reviews.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Writing checks

Who does it anymore? And if you do, why can't you pre-write it while waiting in line instead of gawking at the fact that Jon & Kate are getting divorced...Instead, you stand there oblivious to the fact that all you have to do is write the date, name of the store and sign it. It will cut your time in half and make it go more quickly for the people behind you. Plus, who really writes checks. Learn your debit card PIN number and swipe. It is free (for most banks nowadays) and you actually have to pay to get checks.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Getting Gas

Does no one realize that the gas pump hoses will reach to the other side of your car if you drive up to the opposite side? I have been able to fill up my SUV with gas while someone waits in line just so the gas cap opens closest to the gas pump. So 5 minutes of idle time while I have come and gone just because I drove up on the other side. On with my life while the rest of the idiots sit and wait for no apparent reason.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Why are they called hot dogs?

You can eat them cold ya know! I am sure there is some history behind it, but I don't feel like getting on Wikipedia right now to look it up.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Why do toothpaste companies show the toothbrush with a ton of toothpaste on the it? I think it is all a ploy to make you use 10 times more toothpaste than necessary so you have to buy even more. Really people, a dab will do ya!