Sunday, June 27, 2010

Orgainic vs the other stuff

So in effort in trying eat healthier and safer, I am slowly switching us over to primarily organic foods. My husband & I were talking about it and it just seems so strange that non-organic is the "normal" one to buy and you are a snob or weird-o when you buy organic. Why is that really? Because of the price? Well, think twice people. We eat organic because it should be the normal. It is healthier for you and believe it or not, most of it tastes a whole hell of a lot better. Is it more expensive? Unfortunately yes. But if it means that my family is healthier, than by all means, I can find ways to cut back on other stuff in order to raise and maintain a healthier lifestyle. Here are some articles outlining why we choose to do this:

Hidden Hazards in Conventional Fruits and Vegetables

7 Foods So Unsafe Even Farmers Won't Eat Them

What Produce Should I Buy Organic?

4 Ways To Reduce Pesticide Exposure For Kids

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